Month September 2022

Kayak speed build

Let’s see. We have a temporary workshop, tools and lots of scrap wood. Why not build another kayak? The featured image is from the 22nd of September. I’m writing this the 29th and haven’t built for two days. Waiting for…

Coating the skin

So come Gooping Day we gathered early and slowly worked up a sticky mess everywhere in the workshop 🙂 Even when using disposable gloves, you take them off, forget them or just try to fix something quick without them. Being…

Spray skirts and covers

Too many kayaks and logistic problems… I needed som hatch covers and spray skirts, so I made some. Ahh, automatic, not very smart phone functions… so here’s the result.

Kerfing for endplates

The endplates are thin hardwood pieces that are attached with dowels to the gunwhales and stems in our case. You don’t have to have them but they help make a nice continuous line along the deck. They also lock in…