Ok, ok, I understand having a butt ugly kayak may be an aquired taste but hear me out this time!
Been having these worn patches gone through the Polyurethane and down to the fabric of my favourite, everyday East Greenland kayak’s tips. It is probably a combination of frequent use and the awquard angle I have to rest it in against the ground, to climb a small ladder when I’m putting it up on it’s shelf. At roll practice I empty the qajaq once an hour, at least, so a little rubbing might happen there too.
Anyway, either I had to securely screw some material on, which wouldn’t last, or make a “nose” of oak, plastic or anything else that would be the sacrificial tip. Seen that on pictures from Greenland seal hunters.
The solution was much simpler: I roughened the Polyurethane off the ends with sand paper and then soaked nylon rags in Polyurethane and wound them on. To secure the package and control it’s shape, I had some painter’s masking tape to wind around the whole thing.
The masking tape will come loose if it’s good qality. If it doesn’t, well…it is a Franken-stein-yuq-yaq after all 🙂
The result may look like I’ve dipped it in caramel, or not, but it seems to hold up well against the rubbing. Perhaps next time I’ll do it with more gusto and less haste but it’s good enough for now, although it looks like the rags of a mummy. Let the Zooombie Apocalypse Frankenyaq Invasion commence!