How do you bend your ribs? Greg used this jig I made but we agreed...
Today Rickard was introduced to the plunge router, had a few practice runs with Niall...
Make one hole at each end of the Gunwhale. First you make very opposite 2-3mm...
Stefan upgrading his social profile to “Boatbuilder” and Niall doing burpees of happiness… or something...
Stefan made all the holes with the plunge router and did not fail once! Unfortunately...
Today the rain got frustrating so Clara, Stefan and I moved out to our new...
So satisfying to see people go from shaking their heads to “this is great fun”...
Clara decided to do another coaming. This time after she measured one she likes. It’s...
For a city slicker who understands trees can be bought as planks and not much...
Science has it that a wood joint bigger than 1:12 slowly starts being stronger than...
When your Gunwhales are sawn and you start measuring for ribs and deckbeams, that’s when...
Today at 07.05 a trucker walked in to the boatyard and said: -“I can’t deliver...