Cockpit coaming template

I was thinking about how to easily draw and make a jig for a good looking and functioning cockpit coaming and came up with this idea that lends itself to easy drawing with a pencil and a piece of string.…

Brittle Cedar

If it breaks it breaks. Today we bent the wood on the deck beam lamination jig but one inner lamination broke right at the spot of the middle dowel. Clara made a new one in what seemed like under a…

Steaming hot ribs

To steam bend kayak ribs is always interesting. Camera Guy uses the “standing video syndrome” to it’s fullest 😉 And here is a time lapse of Speedy Greg’s kayak. There was never any real need for a rib jig before…

Sign of the times

Always a nice feeling when you spot the first signs of the Spring. Just putting this image here for future reference. It was taken March 28 or 2022-03-28.

Qajaq table saw

It finally arrived. The long longed for table saw arrived and should be easy to set up, was it not for the lack of bushings in the package and the electric switch fastener mounted on backwards from the factory. Ehmmm,…

The ways are many

Next up is making a paddle. You need clamps again 🙂 There are as many ways to laminate a paddle as there are paddle makers! Here is one way if you just care about trying to protect a softer wood…

Laminating curved deck beams

(Steaming hot featured image by Rickard F)One of the most rewarding tasks in building your Greenland kayak is probably laminating the deck beams. You go from thin strips of wood to a beautiful curved deck beams with something like 10…

Polyurethane color and saturation test

I finally got around to try out our Polyurethane on some scrap nylon fabric. Unfortunately I didn’t have a brush handy and there was some unsecurity about the ratios, but everything stuck and penetrated the cloth well. I even overcolored…

Easter Woodwork

Someone supposedly cobbled together a few planks 2000 years ago to nail a dude to them. If you think that’s grim, what about a part of humanity, quite logically, celebrate this with eating eggs from hen (gender neutral?) and go…

Miscellaneous rim day

Yesterday I wanted to catch up with the other builders, so I steam bent a second coaming lip and a hatch lip. Today, Saturday, was all about sanding and prepping the coaming and the hatch rim. Had a little paddle…

Retrofit hatch on a skin on frame kayak

Ok ok. I know it’s not very stylish and a deviation far from the East Greenland kayak originals, but I am not comfortable with the cheapo Polyurethane on this otherwise wonderful kayak’s skin. I sawed off and lowered the Isserfiq,…

Coaming lip evening

Some of us met up on a nice Tuesday evening two days after having started the build. Our main objective was to make a second coaming and a coaming lip without cracks. Some cracked but not to worry, we have…